piątek, 2 sierpnia 2013

Freeletics DIET - Healthy Breakfast

Today I took the day off from exercising but I thought that I can write somethink about eating.
Of course there is no such thing as Freeletics Diet (yet). I just wanted to show what I'm eating during nowadays while I'm going through training plan from Freeletics Program.

Because most of my FL workouts I do in the early morning this is my post-workout breakfast.
Quite easy, with a lot of healthy ingredients, tasty and sweet (but with natural sugars only!).
This breakfast gives you the energy boost that you need after exercise and protein supplements.
My mom gave me inspiration to do it;)

All nutrition information of ingredients I took from Ile Waży site.

60g oatmeal (or mountain flakes)
1/2 banana
1 small apple
4 dried dactyls
2 dried apricots
2 spoons of almonds
1 spoon of roasted sunflowers
1 spoon of honey
1 spoon of amarantus
4 dired cranberries
4 hazelnuts
1 teaspoon of dessicated coconut
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
glass of water (about 200ml)

Cut everything you can (unfortunately image is gone) and throw it into a pan, add water and rest of ingredients and sprinkle with cinnamon.
Then heat up over low heat for about 7min mixing everything from time to time.

And it's done:-)

Calories   670kcal
Protein     17,3g
Carbo       99,9g
Fat           28,6g
Fiber        13,4g

Bon appetit!

2 komentarze:

  1. Witam serdecznie ;) mam kilka pytań odnosnie tego programu. Czy przez ten cały czas odnotowałeś zrost masy mieśniowej. Jakie jest twoje dzienne zapotrzebowanie kaloryczne według freeletics.

    1. Witam:)
      Wzrost odnotowałem - przez 6 miesięcy przybrałem na wadze ok 1kg, a przy tym zrzuciłem sporo tkanki tłuszczowej. Nie wiem tylko na ile procent, bo nie byłem do tej pory tego sprawdzić.
      Co masz na myśli pytając o zapotrzebowanie kaloryczne wg freeletics?
