czwartek, 25 lipca 2013

5th Week Day 4 Freeletics - Aphrodite!!!

Last night I went to bed with this thought:
I need to fucked...
                 fucked Aphrodite!
When I woke up I was thinking the same - I known that today I need to beat myself.
I'm sure Artur had the same
After we met in park there was only quick talking during scretching and we started workout.
First round went very fast
During second I had to take a 5-6 seconds after first 10 squats.
Third was much slower.
I saw that my friend is much faster in burpees (about 3 per round) and in squats but I'm much faster in sit ups.
While I was working I reapeted to myself:
"Do not care about pain! 
Do not care that you cant breathing! 
Go on!"
In forth round I increased me efforts; I  caught up with Artur.
Last round I had to do with my eyes closed because of sweat dripping from my head :D
I finished it and fell on the ground.
Artur too - we finished exactly at the same time!
And I looked at stopwatch...
It's much more then I expected!
4 min better then last time.
Workout with somebody give you so much more power and motivation.
Oh god, I was so exhausted and whole sweaty that I didnt want to do anything else today;)

25.07  Aphrodite    18:50 min

And what was Your Time in Aphrodite?!

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