Today I tried something from cardio workouts -
It's one of the workouts that I still didn't try, so it's new experiance for
But before it in the morning I did my two favorite workout - Metis and
Poseidon :]
In both of them time was really good, similar to my Personal Best, so I
was satisfied.
I wait until the evening to do my main workout. Temperature was quite good - 4 C degree.
Atlas is one set of:
2km Run
50 Deep Squat
50 Burpee
50 Frogger
50 LegLevel
100 Jump
I havn't been running for about month so I was sure that I choose proper
Running was a pure pleasure. Squats and Burpees went ok, only with one quick rest between them. Only Froggers exercise was real torment for me - I perform 10 reps and need to take a break, another 10 reps and break etc. Jumps I split for 5 sets of 20 reps.
After 10 minutes of rest I decide to do Max Situp, just like that, without any hope for big score. In first 60 seconds I did it so fast that my upper back
But... I beat my record :)) Only with one rep, but still I'm more then content
- I achieved
204 Situps.
Metis 4:43min
Poseidon 4:51min
Atlas 30:19min
Max Situp 300s/204